Prosthesis users for further research of rehabilitation for prosthesis users.

Two girls who are studying orthopedic engineering at OsloMet will write a bachelor’s thesis this spring. The bachelor thesis is to carry out a trial of a new ADL function test on prosthesis users, called the Person Centered Functional Mobility test (PCFM test). This is in collaboration with the research group KIM at Oslomet. This […]
Two girls who are studying orthopedic engineering at OsloMet will write a bachelor’s thesis this spring. The bachelor thesis is to carry out a trial of a new ADL function test on prosthesis users, called the Person Centered Functional Mobility test (PCFM test). This is in collaboration with the research group KIM at Oslomet. This study is part of a larger study that the research group KIM is conducting.
On that occasion, they want to recruit a group of prosthesis users. Participation in the project involves one visit to the Movement Laboratory at OsloMet, where the PDFM test is carried out. The testing should not take more than 30-60 minutes. They initially want to carry out the testing during week 10-12, but they are open to setting aside time for it in previous weeks if it should not fit in this period.
Do you have a unilateral amputation on your leg, and want to participate or get more information? Feel free to contact Maja Helen Sandnes:, tel. 480 57 442 or
Beate Plassen:, tel. 476 09 190