Inspiration evening with Drevelin and Momentum Vest

On Wednesday this week, Momentum arranged an inspiration evening together with Drevelin. The atmosphere in Drevelin’s premises in Bergen was high among prosthesis users, relatives, health professionals and professionals. Leader of Momentum Vest, Mariann Vestbøstad Marthinsen is very pleased with the good turnout of around 35 people. On the inspiration evening, double-amputee Jan Roger Klakegg […]
On Wednesday this week, Momentum arranged an inspiration evening together with Drevelin. The atmosphere in Drevelin’s premises in Bergen was high among prosthesis users, relatives, health professionals and professionals.
Leader of Momentum Vest, Mariann Vestbøstad Marthinsen is very pleased with the good turnout of around 35 people.
On the inspiration evening, double-amputee Jan Roger Klakegg gave a lecture together with his wife Ninnis Thorkildsen. They both work as orthopedic engineers at Drevelin. In addition, Kim Lundquist from Alfimed provided information on interesting solutions for various fastening devices of liners for sleeves.
Inspirational lectures
– The lecture with Jan Roger and Ninnis was both inspiring and fun to listen to. The participants could certainly recognize themselves in many of the everyday situations that were mentioned. For example, when you are not able to run fast enough for the child who runs out towards the road. Here we also got an insight into how they manage to adapt to each family member’s needs. Ninnis also told a lot about her role as a relative. She was even reminded that Jan Roger wears two prostheses when he one day came home five centimeters shorter. He had made some adjustments to his prosthetic feet. This is how good everyday humor becomes, says Mariann.
Atmospheric with pizza
– Throughout the evening, pizza was also served which also gave good conversations around the tables. Many talked to people they had not met before.
– The next time there is a similar event at Drevelin, it will take place in new premises at the turn of next year. The company moves to the other side of the road, just a stone’s throw away. Before that time, there will be events at both Blatchford Bergen and Atterås during the year. There is a lot to look forward to here, says Mariann.